Ronald Reagan and the Royal Family

June 04, 2018 | Reagan: IN HIS WORDS

Reagan and the Royal FamilyThe recent royal wedding fueled a wave of intrigue and interest on our side of the pond, as our country witnessed the welcoming of an American into the royal family. The nup


Memorial Day Quotes & Speech | Ronald Reagan

May 25, 2018 | Reagan: IN HIS WORDS

Memorial Day: In His WordsMemorial Day has come to stand for family barbecues, a day off of work and the unofficial kickoff to the summer season. However, if you look back on the Ronald Reagan Memoria


Carter & Mondale Debates | Ronald Reagan's Best Moments in Debates

May 08, 2018 | Reagan: IN HIS WORDS

Ronald Reagan’s Best Moments in DebatesPresident Ronald Reagan was known as the “Great Communicator,” a title that reflected his commanding, yet congenial, speaking style. With a background in acting,


The Great Communicator | Ronald Reagan

May 01, 2018 | Reagan: IN HIS WORDS

Why is Ronald Reagan called "The Great Communicator"?Ronald Reagan, who was known as The Great Communicator, has been deemed one of the best public speakers in American history, and for good reason. T


Ronald Reagan Politics | Reagan’s View Coming back into Popularity?

April 03, 2018 | Reagan: IN HIS WORDS

Are Reagan's Views Coming Back to Popularity?For decades, supporters of Ronald Reagan have been eager for the country to embrace the values and views that the late president so embodied. Perhaps more