Tips for Making a Secure Password

Our passwords are our entrance into just about everything we do online — our email, bank accounts, and even our shopping carts — but that means they’re also the door that could let cyber criminals into our lives. Since we do so much of our personal and professional business online these days, it’s imperative that our information remains guarded behind a safe password.

Follow these tips for secure password creation:

No personal information:
Don’t use information like family members’ names, birthdates, anniversaries or addresses in passwords. Especially with so much of our personal information on social media and other digital platforms, cybercriminals can too easily figure out such passwords.

No real words:
Hackers are skilled at identifying common passwords, so try to make yours as unique as possible. Avoid using actual words and opt instead for ones that, while you may be able to remember them, others would have trouble making sense of.

Vary character types:
Use a combination of different character types, such as lower- and upper-case letters, symbols and numbers.

Use different passwords:
Don’t use the same password for all of your online accounts. If a hacker was to access one account, that could compromise your entire digital profile. Instead, use different passwords for every account you have, and change them frequently.

Be careful of password storage:
While it can be tough to remember all of your passwords, avoid storing a list of them on your computer. If the device is breached, a cybercrook could have easy access to all of your information. If using a written list, store it in a location only you know, and do not share it with anyone in your life.

With these tips for secure password creation, you can have more peace of mind that you’re doing your part to keep cybercriminals from violating your privacy. If you want to really put up a good defense against hacking, a private email account like those offered by can make your efforts even more worthwhile. With this safe and secure email, you know that, not only is your password doing its part to keep out criminals, but the account itself offers enhanced security features, such as end-to-end encryption, to protect your privacy.